About Us – the Survival Prepper Website
The modern world is full of danger and uncertainties – we believe that it’s vital to prep in order to survive.
If you feel, as we do, that you’re responsible for your own survival then you’ll find some great advice on our website.
Hi, I’m Damon Colt, a 39-year-old proud father of three and the fortunate husband to their wonderful mother Bonnie. Our journey, born from our shared beliefs and past experiences, merged seamlessly, crafting our unique story of survival and preparedness.
Rooted deep in the heartlands of rural America, our homestead is more than just our home; it’s a testament to our commitment to self-sufficiency. My early years on a farm sowed the seeds of self-reliance. The call of the wild, with its hunting, fishing, and nature’s challenges, attracted both Bonnie and me. And as Mary, John, and Benjamin entered our lives, our resolve to impart to them a life rich in self-reliance grew stronger. Bonnie, with her military background and farm-fresh wisdom, was always my pillar in this journey.
My passion for prepping has grown over the years as I’ve learned more about the potential threats that could disrupt daily life. I believe that being prepared is not just about having a stockpile of supplies but also about having the skills and knowledge to survive in any situation.
Bonnie and I are fiercely dedicated to protecting our family and our way of life so we’ve ensured our sanctuary remains impenetrable – because we now of lurking dangers, not just from nature – but also from those driven by bad intentions. Thanks to Bonnie’s military background we’ve fortified our home and taken steps to secure our home and property. We have taught everyone – even the youngest ones – in our family how to defend themselves if necessary.
I know that in a crisis, resources will become scarce, and some people will resort to desperate measures to grab what they want. Because I understand the importance of maintaining the security of my farm and its resources, I’ve implemented measures such as fencing and security cameras to deter potential thieves, vandals or marauders.
Our mission is to not just protect and prep for ourselves but to be torchbearers for a community that believes in the power of preparation and living a self-sufficient lifestyle. I believe that everyone should take steps to be prepared for emergencies, and I’m passionate about helping you achieve that goal. Through this website, Bonnie and I pour out our experiences, lessons, and knowledge, hoping to ignite the spark of preparedness in you.
Don’t look to anyone else to protect yourself and your family.
It’s your responsibility and it’s our aim to assist you in that noble and worthwhile journey.